Legal Searches

At ixxéo, we offer full legal search services for classes 5 and 10, in all trademark registers worldwide, with state-of-the-art scrutiny and opinions by expert trademark attorneys.

Today, we consider register database access and raw data quality to be conditional prerequisites.

So, how do we provide added value?

The primary value of our comprehensive legal searches lies in the total pertinence of data extraction, reliability of interpretations and full qualification of the opinions given. Our project leader supervises regulatory relevance of custom searches, our trademark specialists double validate mark status and use, and all trademark opinions, including final legal status of name candidates, are rendered and validated by our experienced, healthcare savvy trademark attorneys in Europe and the United States.

Beyond the intrinsic value of our legal searches, ixxéo provides an additional, unique value to our clients: our parallel, built-in obstacle-by-obstacle regulatory interpretations that, in tandem, work to optimize name viability. We accomplish this with holistic integration of creation, legal and regulatory processes — the core of our Name Engineering model. We synchronize the findings of our legal searches and regulatory simulations concomitantly with later stage crafting activities, to leverage name pool viability. This is how ixxéo delivers an edge in legal search interpretation, linked with a smart and thorough regulatory simulation.

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Legal Searches - Class 5 Names